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Effective Defense in Underage Drinking and Alcohol Cases

Greenville criminal defense lawyer Matt Davenport represents students facing charges of underage alcohol possession or consumption. If you’re an East Carolina or Pitt Community College student who recently received a “drinking ticket,” contact the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport for a free consultation about your legal options.

We use our experience to find positive outcomes in underage drinking cases

As a former prosecutor who used to train law enforcement officials and assistant district attorneys about DWI and alcohol-related crimes, Matt Davenport has a thorough understanding of the law and procedure related to drunk driving and public intoxication charges of all kinds. He also hates to see young people needlessly compromise their future prospects by having underage drinking convictions on their records.

At our law firm, the goal with any underage alcohol charge is to develop and present your defense so you can avoid a criminal conviction, trouble with the academic authorities at school, suspension of your driver’s license, or future problems with obtaining a license to teach, practice medicine or nursing, or enter any other regulated profession.

We represent young people facing such underage drinking or alcohol-related charges as the following:

  • Underage or provisional DWI
  • Public intoxication, disorderly conduct or resisting arrest
  • Possession of an open container in a car or public place
  • Class 1 misdemeanor of underage possession by a person aged 16-18
  • Class 3 misdemeanor of underage possession by a person aged 19 or 20
  • Underage purchase and fake ID offenses

Think twice about pleading guilty and creating your own criminal record

If you pay the fine on any drinking ticket, you’re essentially pleading guilty to a misdemeanor and creating your own criminal record. Our approach to underage alcohol defense aims for dismissal of all charges to protect your record and your future. If the charges are dismissed, you stand an excellent chance of later expungement of the record of arrest and prosecution.

Learn more about the benefit of trusting your defense to an experienced criminal trial attorney. Contact the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport for a free consultation in Greenville, North Carolina.