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We Can Help You Get Your Driving Privilege Back

Driver’s license reinstatement is typically the first priority for any North Carolina driver sitting through a suspension. Rather than risking a mandatory 12-month additional suspension for driving while suspended or revoked, you should discuss your options for getting your license back soon with a lawyer who knows the ropes. Contact the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport in Greenville for a free consultation about driver’s license reinstatement.

It’s not always easy to find out about limited driving privileges

If you’re looking at a suspension of six to twelve months for DWI, provisional or underage DWI, or too many speeding tickets, we can analyze your situation and assess your eligibility for a limited driving privilege to get to and from work and other essential purposes.

Some North Carolina violations, such as a conviction for possession of a fake ID, specifically prohibit driver’s license reinstatement or limited driving privileges before the end of a mandatory suspension period. Most violations, however, will allow for continued driving under conditions and restrictions after a 10-day suspension period.

You won’t necessarily be advised of your ability to get a limited driving privilege at the time of your suspension, however. That’s where our experience and knowledge of the driver’s license reinstatement process comes in. We can give you sound advice about the possibilities and explain the different procedures that come into play for such license suspension situations as the following:

  • First offender DWI
  • Repeat DWI
  • Habitual DWI
  • Suspension for too many speeding tickets or other moving violations
  • Suspension for failure to appear on a traffic ticket
  • Suspension for driving on a revoked or suspended license
  • Underage driver’s license suspension

Call 866-346-2985 for a free consultation about your license situation

For specific advice about your options for getting your right to drive back, contact a knowledgeable attorney at the Law Office of Matthew J. Davenport in Greenville.